Well as experiences go, the last few months have been one of continual change. I used to race, now I am slowly exploring the world of my new role, the couch potato! Everything is so new and exciting, my new family would really like to call me 'Parker' after Lady Penelope's Butler cum Chauffeur, whose nickname was 'Nosey.' That epithet really suits me. Every time my new family open something, a cupboard, a drawer, the shed, the tool box... I am there with my nose having a good sniff. I just want to see what is in the myriad new places of my new world.
The newness of it all for both my new family and me, has landed me in a bit of trouble over the last week. My family have been introducing me to the kinds of things that the GAP book says that I can have to eat and I have been eating them with gusto! I have tried pigs ears, I love them! I am getting my gruts and some left overs. I am being enticed to learn new commands with cheese, this family is crazy about cheese, just look at what they had for themselves over Christmas, I did not have any of this stuff, but boy did is smell!
Anyway earlier this week, I woke up, I think that it was Tuesday and was sick. I had eaten something that my stomach did not like. I was a bit quiet all day, then when I went for my walk in the afternoon I collapsed, all a bit worrying for all concerned. As a result of all of this I was taken to the vet who had to look after me all night, I was very de-hydrated, but all the nurses loved me and I sat with them all night. In the morning I had developed a cough and so they x-rayed me, but because I am such an amenable chap, they decided not to sedate me and simply asked me to lie on the x-ray bench, Greyhounds are good at lying down! It turns out that I have pneumonia. So now I have to rest and so for the last three days I have not been out for a walk as the exercise apparently will not be good for my cough, throat or lungs, so what have I been doing, well, check out the video below and you will see the kinds of things that I have been doing a lot of. I am starting to like this new life, especially now that I am getting better!
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